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She wants others to see what she sees

2021 - Pencil drawings on paper, large pencil drawings and texts on the wall.

Þetta verk er í eigu Listasafns Íslands

Hún vill að aðrir sjái það sem hún sér
Hún vill að aðrir sjái það sem hún sér
Hún vill að aðrir sjái það sem hún sér
ljósmynd © Claire Paugam
Hún vill að aðrir sjái það sem hún sér
Hún vill að aðrir sjái það sem hún sér
ljósmynd © Claire Paugam
ljósmynd © Claire Paugam
ljósmynd © Claire Paugam
She’s trying to orientate herself
One shows understanding, the other does not
The eyes say: Are you sure?
Pounding heart
She didn’t notice when it got dark
This one keeps you waiting
There’s something beneath the surface
She shows courage
They stand together
Marginal notes
She is staring into the middle distance
She can’t stop reading
Divided avttention
Up the stairs or down
She is fine-tuning
Something is weighing on her mind
She ponders
Blinded by tears
They put on their thinking caps
Empty bed
He walks in the footsteps of strangers
She holds on to hope
He doesn’t let anyone stand in his way
Outside for outsiders
Completely intolerable screech
You see more looking out than looking in
She wants others to see what she sees
They are close by
She can paint a picture
She tries to find herself
He captures the moment
She’s reading exactly what she was looking for but didn’t know it
The space between them is palpable
He’s not sure
She hides behind what others do
He looks back
Ö ö ö ö
He knows something that you don’t
She’s thinking about what happened yesterday

She has witnessed many things

2021 - Pencil drawings on paper and texts on the wall.

Hún hefur orðið vitni að mörgu
Hún hefur orðið vitni að mörgu
Hún sér ekki alveg fram á að þetta gangi
Tóm að innan
Hún hefur orðið vitni að mörgu
Hún horfist í augu við sjálfa sig

She faces herself

Fortíðin eltir þau

They are followed by their past

Hann glímir við vandamál

He tries to untangle problems

​Hún reynir að varðveita minninguna

She tries to preserve the memory

​Hún fiskar eftir hrósi

She fishes for compliments

Það er samt myrkur inni

Nevertheless, it's dark inside

Þessi kona stendur með sjálfri sér

This woman stands by herself

Hvað er þessi hestur að gera hérna?

What is this horse doing here?

Mjög alvöruþrunginn




Hann veltir því fyrir sér hvort hann eigi að skipta sér af

He wonders if he should meddle

Hún vill ekki sleppa takinu

She doesn't want to let go

Þessi stytta hefur orðið vitni að mörgu

This statue has witnessed many things

Hún hlustar á innsæið

She listens to her intuition

Þær reyna að fanga tilfinninguna

They try to capture the feeling

Hún gengur ekki heil til skógar

She can't see the forest for the trees



Honum miðar áfram

He is making progress

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