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highs / lows

2018 - Pencil drawings on paper, large pencil drawings and texts on the wall.


About the work: highs / lows are part of the joint exhibition Allra veðra von, where the art group IYFAC created their work based on ideas about weather. In her work, Halla investigates the correlations between emotions and weather. How we talk about the weather, what words we use and how we use the same terms to understand things that are invisible and difficult to understand.

"Thoughts pile up. They're like thunderclouds, everything somehow makes them angry. Depression is visually described as a constant cloud of rain chasing one particular person. What associations does the weather form with emotions? Storm surges, fog, hail, clear, cloudy with showers, sleet, calm, breeze. "


- halla birgisdóttir, pictorial storyteller

ljósmynd © Ragnheiður Maísól
ljósmynd © Ragnheiður Maísól
ljósmynd © Ragnheiður Maísól
ljósmynd © Ragnheiður Maísól
ljósmynd © Ragnheiður Maísól
Þessi rigning er endalaus

This bloody rain is endless

Hún er með belging

She is flatulent


Þessari tekst einhvernveginn alltaf að draga niður stemninguna
Allt táknar eitthvað

Everything represents something

This one somehow always manages to kill the mood

Stundum passar veðrið úti svo vel við veðrið inni

Sometimes the weather outside fits so well with the weather within

I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.

​Sólskin allstaðar

Sunshine everywhere

Í sól langar hana að kaupa allt

In the sun she wants to buy everything

Slydda í hjartanu

Sleet in the heart



Hún er í mikilli afneitun

She is in great denial

Hún reynir að ná mynd af merkingunni

She tries to capture the meaning


He is sick and tired of everything

Hún er með rigningarsudda

She is drizzling

Hún byggir varnarvegg

She builds a barrier

Skuggarnir hafa engin áhrif lengur

The shadows have no effect

Hún er himintungl

She is a celestial moon

Hvaða kenjar eru þetta í veðrinu?

The weather is acting weird

Hún heldur að hún geti sungið

She thinks she can sing


Postpartum depression


Black as bile

​Hún var sett í skjól fyrir utanaðkomandi áreiti

She was sheltered from outside stimuli




Thick fog



Allt virðist fullkomið

Everything seems perfect

Skýrara en heiðskýrt

Clearer than clear

Hann veitir skjól

He provides shelter



Hún heldur niðri í sér andanum

She holds her breath

Óreiðan er úti og inni

The chaos, outside and inside

Mamma, viltu taka eftir mér?

Notice me, mamma

Mjög djúp lægð

Very deep depression



She is above the sky

Hugmyndir hrannast upp

Ideas overflow

Hallar óbilandi upp í vindinn

Unfaltering and leaning into the wind

Hún notar uppfokna regnhlíf fyrir sólhlíf

She uses an upturned umbrella for a parasol

Þær ýta undir hæðir hjá hvor annari

They encourage each other's manias

Allt er deginum ljósara

Everything is crystal clear

Þau koma alltaf aftur

They always come back



Hún talar við köttinn um veðrið

She talks to the cat about the weather

Hærra og hærra

Higher and higher

Hún er óþolandi og tilgerðarleg

She is intolerable and pretencious



Lítið en djúpt hyldýpi

Small but deep abyss


Dead calm

​Hún býður lægðina velkomna

She welcomes the gloom

Hún íhugar það mikið

She thinks about it a lot

She is the savior of the sun

Lognmolla í sambandinu

Doldrum in the relationship

Hann lokar allt inni

He keeps everything locked inside

Einstaka geislar brjótast stundum út í gegnum skýin

Individual rays sometimes break out through the clouds

Kökur bakaðar um miðja nótt

Cakes baked in the middle of the night




In love

Það er ekki alltaf hægt að spá rétt fyrir um

It can't always be predicted

Hún býr til skugga

She creates a shadow

Hún baðar sig í tungsljósinu

She bathes in the moonlight



Þú er þrumuský, alveg eins og mamma þín

You're like a thundercloud, just like your mother

Kötturinn veitir honum timabundna huggun

The cat gives him temporary comfort

Hann heldur henni á floti

He keeps her afloat

Hnausþykk þoka

A very thick fog




Completely depressed calm

Bráðum verður hún mjög djúpt niðri

She will soon be in the deep



Eftirsjá eftir storminn

Regret after the storm

Kona reynir að leysa úr flækjum

A woman tries to untangle her complications

Hún byggir stanslausar skýjaborgir

She is constantly building cities in the sky



Andrúmsloftið er rafmagnað

The atmosphere is electric

Þær gangast við birtunni

They acknowledge the light



Seismic activity

Framtíðin er björt

The future is bright

Í bullandi vörn

In roaring defense

Hún reynir að teikna sig út úr þessu

She tries to draw herself better

Myrkvuð nánd

Shadowed intimacy


Natural disasters

Fáklædd, þó það sé kalt

Scantily dressed, even though it's cold

Vonbrigði með spána

Disappointment with the forecast

Kuldi og einangrun

Cold and isolation

​Ég kemst varla úr sporunum

I can hardly go on

Hún skrifar bréfið

She writes the letter


A glimpse of light

Skárri er það nú veðurofsinn

The weather could be less angry

Það sést ekki alltaf á útlitinu

It is not always visible

Hún væri alveg til í smá storm

She could use a little storm right about now

Það er að koma frost

The frost is near


Cloud banks

Hún er ekki klædd eftir veðri

She is not dressed according to weather

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